Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Can Acai Berry Weight Loss Supplements Really Help You Lose Weight and Increase Energy?

(Acai Berry)
Healthy food
Millions of people who are struggling with their weight spent hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars every year. There are so many weight loss products out there from the Atkins diet to the Subway guy commercial, how do you know which one is the best fit for you.

Recently, they have discovered what supposed to be the best weight loss and health ingredient in the world, the Acai Berry weight loss supplements. But can the Acai Berry really help you lose weight and increase your energy level?

What make this fruit so special comparing to other type of berries such as blueberries or strawberries?

Found in the deep forest of the Amazon, and known to be the best superfood in the world, the Acai has gotten its fame through many famous talk shows and tv networks. The reason is because the Acai Berry contains the most antioxidant levels in any food and is considered to be the healthiest food on earth. 

It has 10 times the antioxidants more than red wine and 6 times more than blueberries and pomegranate.
The ingredients in the Acai Berries can actually increase your body energy levels and metabolism.

Packed with very high antioxidants, the Acai Berry is the perfect solution to protect your body from harmful toxins and diseases. Since you can boost your metabolism, your body can burn more fat and thus lose more weight quickly. 

Simply add the super fruits and supplements to your daily diet and you will see serious changes in your body.
The Acai Berry weight loss supplements are great if you can't get a hold of the fresh fruits in your area. 

There are some things you should know before buying the Acai Berry weight loss supplements to make sure they are effective and safe for your health. If possible, you want to stay with the most condensed and potent Acai berry products on the market. 

Since Acai berries are expensive, most companies try to add other cheap ingredients into the supplements with an effort to keep the cost down.While taking nutritional supplements has become an everyday healthy American lifestyle, it is also your responsibility to eat healthy and keep enough physical exercises. 

If you can, try to take the Acai berry weight loss supplements 3 times a day right after every meal to keep your body energized and burn more fat. It is also known that this super fruits can also help cleanse and detoxify your entire body which can be really helpful in preventing the colon cancer.

For more information on the best Acai Berry weight loss supplements on the market today, check out the official health review site for more details on the top products and feedbacks.

If you want to lose that fat belly, increase energy, look and feel a whole world different, you need to try this super fruit today. If you want to read more weight loss tips and supplement reviews, click here now.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Healthy Weight Loss! (Acai Berry)

Somebody that consumes 6% of his food from trans fat would be at least 12 weight heavier after six yrs compared to an individual ingesting zero trans fat by any means. Trans fat is just about the major causes for extra weight gain - a lot more as compared to normal fat. Trans fatty acid batches negative cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) and decrements beneficial cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein).

But We now have a option , the amazing Acai Fruit

The Acai is a small berry (resembling a little purplish marble or grapevine) which evolves on Acai berry plant frequently found in the Amazon River. The fruit alone includes roughly close to ninety percent seed and ten percent fruit however the anti-oxidant attributes are a great deal much more astonishing. Acai berry liquid includes  10 times the antioxidant results of grapes and twice  of blueberries.

What makes Acai berry  so exceptional?

Ingesting Acai not only supports cast off  weight by encouraging your metabolic rate, but also bars the fattening up outcomes of sugars.The fat burning capacity is elevated enough to actually melt away trans fats which are  considerably tougher cookie.With the greater metabolic rate you burn a lot more calories even whilst sleeping. This bring about a wholesome extra weight burning, which is much better as compared to utilizing virtually any food cravings suppressants.

Acai fruit motivates elegance and wellness - Acai fruit contains a great amount of polyphenol that:
o Raises firm, sound teeth;
o Betters cognitive overall performance and intellectual well being;
o Preventing eczema, hypersensitive reaction
o Clears your skin, giving it a fit, shinning gleam
o Makes stronger your resistant system
o Combats Ldl cholesterol

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The 1st Super-food In US - Acai Berry

Harvested from the Amazonian rainforest of Brazil and shipped to the USA, Acai Berry is the number one super-food currently on the market. Recognized for being able to help in weight loss, Acai Berry is receiving positive international reviews worldwide. So why is this berry acclaimed the super-berry of 2010?

Acai Berry improves energy levels and enables its users to sleep better at night. Containing more anti-oxidants than both red grapes and blueberries combined, this super-berry packs a punch. It's even known to assist arthritis patients decrease joint pains. Arthritis sufferers who have utilized Acai Berry say that they feel less pain in their joints as a result.

This wonder berry also helps reduce menopause symptoms. As these symptoms range in their severity among women some women feel the helpful effects of Acai Berry more than others. Acai Berry also acts as an anti aging supplement and has been recognized to enhance the skins oils in retaining a younger looking skin tone. Among diabetic sufferers Acai Berry helps to lower insulin levels and offers much more energy to function throughout the day.

Acai Berry can also lower cholesterol levels. Lots of individuals in the United States and the world over suffer from high cholesterol. Acai Berry is able to decrease the body's cholesterol levels and enhance wellness. It even assists ADHD sufferers to concentrate more on the task at hand. This is particularly useful for kids who are described as "off the wall" kids. Children who can never seem to stay still due to ADHD symptoms can experience an improved attention span from taking Acai.

The only poor thing with Acai Berry is that it's very fragile. Once harvested the berry can go poor in a matter of 24 hours. Due to this, Brazilian harvesters have to process the berries right there at the source. Acai Berry can be turned into capsule form or could be taken in its juice form. It can also be sweetened for a more excellent taste. The harvesting of Acai Berry is a very tedious procedure but very worthwhile.

The health benefits of Acai Berry far outweigh the procedure of getting them. Acai Berry is one super-berry that's going to be around for a very long time and its certainly one fruit you ought to include in your diet.

Benefits of Acai Berry Diet - 

You Never Heard Of

Losing weight is one of the major concerns for people around the world. A slim body can increase your confidence and help you to remain fresh all the day. Otherwise an over weighted body can destroy your happiness all the way. Many people try surgery to achieve a slim figure which is so costly and risky step. The main goal of this article is to make you familiar with one of the best diet courses for losing weight known as Acai Berry diet
Acai Berry is one of the best choices for them who want to reduce weight. It maintains the level of minerals and vitamins in the body that are not abundant concerning the dieting procedure of the person
The good thing to try Acai Berry diet is that it has no side effects but highly effective on losing weight. Many successful users of Acai Beery prove that it is one of the best treatments in order to lose weight. It increases the metabolism of the body which decreases any additional fats regarding the body. Also the metabolism helps the body to remove bad poisons and toxins.

Acai berry has anti oxidants inside which are very effective in eliminating fats and toxins from the body. But in order to bring the best result from Acai Berry, one must diet with it regularly. The actual benefit of Acai Berry is it has almost zero side effects and takes relatively less time to reduce weight comparing with other rapid diet course
There are some heavy duty minerals and vitamins in Acai Berry such as Vitamin E, B1, B2, B3, magnesium, potassium, copper, calcium, zinc etc. It also contains 19 high effective amino acids which are functioned to block extra protein that body takes. Another pompous component of Acai berry is Omega acids. Among those Omega acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6 are highly functioned to build muscles, prevent any muscle’s break down and quicken the regaining process of the body from any weakness.

But to lose weight effectively and permanently, only Acai Berry is not enough. Also you have to have self belief and strong determination. No weight losing remedy will work properly if you are careless in your food habits or you maintain the diet course irregularly. You could achieve your desired figure with taking Acai Berry only when also you are ready to make some effective changes in the way you live.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Most of "People" Use Acai Berry?

Many people have clamored to the idea that the Acai Berry holds potent benefits that other super foods simply do not have. In fact it is thought that the acai berry holds the answer to anti-aging secrets most people have only dreamed of. Most of this might be true, but there are still plenty of studies being conducted that hope to reveal the true inner working secrets of this super food.

The truth is that although there is a lot known about the Acai Berry, there is still a lot left unanswered. The one thing that is proven is the fact that like any other
, the Acai Berry is just as good if not better to eat. In fact, it is actually being used in beauty products and has taken the place of some other tropical oils used in lotions and facial cleansers.

The pure Acai Berry is chalk full of antioxidants proven to help fight certain cancers, diseases and even aging. This is not to say it’s a miracle drug that can turn back the hands of time but in fact it can help prevent signs of aging to a point where it’s noticeable to the untrained eye.

This is very promising to many consumers and for good reason- so we can expect to see more and more products contain this natural, powerful berry. Weight loss being another factor of the success of the Acai Berry, those that use the supplement to lose weight tend to see significant success compared to those not using the supplement to lose their weight.

Some popular ways to use the Acai Berry are in smoothies, fruit salads, as a salad dressing, in mixed drinks and more.

In the end there are no proven side effects to using the Acai Berry so there is no reason to avoid the substance in fear of the bad effects it might cause. Simply put, it is a berry just like any other we all have grown to know and love. The only difference might be the additional antioxidants it holds compared to the average red colored berry.
 Dr. Perricone on Oprah - Number 1 Superfood: Acai Berry

Consume Acai Berry Regularly

Pure Acai from the acai palm tree is a wonder fruit with many health benefits. The Amazonians have used it for centuries thanks to the wisdom of ancient medicine men and women, albeit a small number of people benefited from it. However, its value seemed to fade for a while before coming into the limelight once again. The wide benefits of the acai berry have now made several people include it in their daily diet for many reasons.

Acai berry is said to strengthen the immune system and fights any infection that may attack the body. It also helps to induce a faster process of recovery. There is substantial evidence that acai berry acts as a preventive medicine and reduces the risk of heart failure, atherosclerosis, and even cancer of the prostate, which is why it is very good for men. Acai can be used as a low fat sweetener in deserts, making it an all-round healthy alternative. Moreover, people tend to have higher energy levels and do not experience the highs and lows that are normally associated with refined sugars, pastries, and high-fat cakes.

This wonder fruit also helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels and is ideal for obese individuals who consume large amounts of fats, meats, refined sugars, and salt. Acai berry helps in the detoxification process of the body, and its high fiber content keeps the colon clean. It provides relief from constipation, digestive problems, and irritable bowel syndrome. Acai is known to increase the metabolic rate and is therefore used in weight loss supplements. It also promotes longevity and helps retain vitality, which is why many people feel and look younger today. It helps prevent the spread of infections in the body and is therefore an ideal antiseptic.

Acai berry improves the heart rate, increases blood circulation, and is known to increase stamina as well. With so many health benefits, it is worth making acai berry a part of your diet today.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where to Buy Fresh Acai Berries?

Because of all the rage about acai berries, people everywhere are wondering why we do not see these berries available in the supermarkets or fresh food markets. Is the existence of these berries a myth? The truth is, these berries do exist--but only in South America! So if you are not from there, and you are wondering where to buy fresh acai berries in the States or elsewhere, you wont. These fruits are highly perishable because of their high fat content. They are actually made of thirty to fifty percent fat. Thus, they get spoiled right away. As in right on the day they are harvested.

The only way we can benefit from this berry is to consume it in other forms. Thankfully, technology has made it possible for the fresh acai berry to be preserved and therefore be consumed in non-Amazonian countries. There are products that flash freeze acai pulp on the same day the berries are picked. This frozen fruit is then shipped to other countries making it possible for us to enjoy it in other forms like juice, smoothies, and the like.

If you are wondering if the fruit is still beneficial and nutrition packed after being frozen, you need not worry. The frozen form is even higher in nutrient concentration than fresh acai berries. So look for brands that sell the frozen fruit because this is the closest you can get to the real thing. Other alternatives are acai berry supplements, juices, shakes, powders and even gummy bears!

You can find these products at any health food store or at gourmet food stores. You can also find them online, which is an even better option because you can try out free samples before you commit to buying their product. This miracle fruit has really helped a lot of people lose weight, fight many diseases, look younger, improve their digestion and flush away all their toxins.

Thanks to the acai berry products many have been able to loose unwanted weight. Read more about loosing weight on 2 step formula.

To find out yourself, simply follow this link: >> Click Here <<

Where Can I Buy Acai Berries?

Review of Best Places to Buy Fresh Acai Berry Products

Acai berry is known to be No.1 superfood on the diet chart-replacing Blueberry. This is a wonder fruit from Amazon Basin. It is a grape like berry that grows on the acai palm trees. It is traditionally prominent among South & Central American citizens to cure & prevent all digestion issues. The Brazilians say they owe their high-energy quotient and never ending zeal to this little dark colored non-juicy fruit. It is tested by the scientists of Florida and they say it as a great prevention from the colon & stomach cancers. It has the highest amount of anti oxidants ever tested in a fruit. It is also known to breakdown & remove the fats stored in the body. Due to these immense nutrients & health benefits, this fruit is widely being used as a diet supplement for weight loss & anti aging.

The growing media hype has increased its demand in the USA & UK. Now many companies have introduced their brands of acai supplements. Actually, Acai Berry must be processed within 24 hours of its collection. It has very low shelf life so you cannot take fresh acai berries. The berries are freeze dried and converted into a fine powder. Then this powder is converted into supplements like pills, capsules, pulp & juices. Capsules are the best sort of diet supplements out of all as it needs no fillers absolutely.

You can buy Acai berry supplements from three key resources:

· Pharmacies

· Department Stores

· Internet

At the pharmacies and the department stores, the diet supplements will cost you more than internet. Here you have no free trials but you would be aware of the ingredients and there would not be any hidden charges.

Internet allows you easy free trial offers that not only save your money but also help you test if the product suits you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Avoid Acai Berry Scams!

Many of the ‘free’ trial offers that are currently available to consumers hoping to try Acai Berry products are little more then scams. Read below to learn what to look for!

In many cases, Acai Berry products are simply the latest in a long line of fraudulent money making schemes for the Internet. While there are several legitamate companies offering real trial periods for their products, you have to know what to look for. Learning how to determine if a company is fraudulent is the first step in finding a product that will work well for you and give a free trial period to prove it.

First, be aware of what the Acai Berry can and cannot do for you. The Acai Berry can and will help you with your weight loss goals, if you take a pure product. Following instructions is also crucial to see weight loss success. It is also important to note that by combining Acai Berry supplements with a heathly diet and mild to moderate exercise programs will increase your weight loss potential. Acai Berries are rich in antioxidants. Some studies suggest that antioxidants can aid in everything from clearer skin to improving general health. The fiber in the berry will help aid in digestion and will work as a mild detoxifying agent. Products that claim they can reverse diabetes, enlarge the penis or increase sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex, have little scientific research to back them up.

It is important to use a little bit of common sense when trying to sort through the various products available. There are several “watch words” to be leery of.

* Any Acai Berry Product that Guarantee’s weight loss – be sure to read the fine print, the guarantee is most likely based on radically changing your diet and exercise habits in addition to taking Acai Berry supplements. Instead, look for a product that stresses its ability to aid in weight loss.
* Any Acai Berry product that claims to be able to ‘cure’ any chronic disease. Lets be honest, if the Acai Berry could cure diabetes the whole world would know about it. Instead look for products that stand behind their ability to support overall good health.
* Any Acai Berry product that isn’t 100% pure Acai Berry should be avoided. The added fillers may cause unwanted side effects. By sticking with a pure product you will avoid this.

Many of the fraudulent companies rely on the same tactics to make money. Keep your eyes on the fine print and your credit card statement for the following problems.

* Refund policies
* Double billings
* Credit Card Fraud
* Unauthorized billing
* Unapproved reoccurring charges
* Cancelation policy
* Non-existent customer service

The best course of action is to spend your time looking for a reputable Acai Berry product company, because they do exist. You can find a company that will offer you a free trial, excellent customer service and have policies that are easy to understand and fair.

Acai Berry - How to Lose Weight With Acai Berry

What is Acai Berry?

The acai berry is a fruit of the acai palm tree. It has been harvested by native Americans for hundreds of years, forming a staple of the local diet. However, it became popular in the west only a few years ago when it was publicized in numerous TV shows, newspapers and magazine articles. Why these little berries got so much attention from the media? It turned out that acai berries contain an amazing combination of health-promoting nutrients, among them antioxidants, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats. No wonder they have taken the world by storm!

How Acai Berry Helps You Lose Weight?

Acai berries are most known as a weight loss supplement, although they have a number of other benefits such as reducing the aging process and helping cell recovery. The weight loss properties of acai berry can be largely explained by the increased metabolic rate it causes. This happens because of the very large amount of antioxidants (substances, which prevent oxidative stress and cell damage) it contains. This leads to faster fat breakdown, increases energy levels and fights fatigue. Combined, these effects make the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects usually associated with synthetic chemicals. Many research papers suggest that eating a diet high in antioxidants is the key to successful weight loss.

How to Choose the Right Acai Berry Supplement?

The following are simple guidelines, which will help you choose the best acai supplement and not fall prey to scams.
  • Choose products that contain 100% pure Amazonian acai berry extract. Other products are a waste of time and money.
  • Steer clear of products that seem very cheap. Do not forget that acai berries are harvested manually in the Brazilian rainforest, which is a very labor-intensive task. A good price estimate is $40-50 per bottle and cheaper is not always better.
  • Make sure that the vendor provides money back guarantee. In a few rare cases the product may not work, the money back guarantee makes sure you don't lose money.

Acai Berry Vs Blueberry

Blueberries on the other hand have shown lowers brain damage in animals and further helps prevent urinary tract infections. Blueberry consumption lowers cholesterol which in turn helps control blood pressure. Looking to reduce heart failure then consume Acai berry, this berry helps in preventing blood clotting, in turn helps increase your blood circulation. The bottom line, there does not seem to be a clear winner here, as each aid the bodies natural defense's. Very little content is written about the two berries competing against each other, however if your focusing on a particular ailment like cancer then we'll see that Acai berry suppresses mechanisms of cancer cell development and inflammation.

Chemical analyzes in the America have very lately divulged that Blueberries carry chemicals that lessened the development of cervical and breast cancer cells by a considerable percentage.

Acai berry juice on a regular basis, will for sure aid you to prevent blood coagulation, increasing your blood circulation, helps forestall atherosclerosis and extends protection against cancer. Furthermore Acai contains oleic acid which improves cardiovascular wellness and prevents the shaping of carcinogenic oncogene. Since Acai berries are plentiful in vitamins C and E, phytosterols, manganese, boron and calcium, Acai berry juice is an first-class option if you care for a healthy skin.

Need to keep your retention? Test a blueberry. Lower your risk of exposure to some cancers? Bring in blueberries as part of your dieting.

How about a heavy fresh source of antioxidants for optimal health?

Antioxidant relates to the damaging oxidization attributes or compounds detected in berries. Certain natural yields and vegetables provide the physical structure with chemicals which respond against particularly adverse oxidizers associated with ingredients ("free radicals") which could harm a broad diversity of functions and inner processes, including inherited DNA in reproductive cells and receptor places in the head. The keen-sighted listing of health benefits affiliated with blueberries are seemly recognized among the general populace as one of the most healthy berries.

For more information about Acai Berry Fruit and other acai berry tips, check out my Acai Burn site.

What Are Acai Berry Side Effect? [Acai Berry]

When you eat most types of food you run the risk of them having side effects. When you consume coffee you can become nervous, when you eat peppers you may notice that you tend to sweat more. The thing that you have to consider when you eat a food is if the positives of the food outweigh the negatives. The same is true with the acai berry. When you begin considering consuming the acai berry products, you may find yourself asking, "What are the acai berry side effects?"

The one side effect that is known to come from consuming the acai berry may actually be considered a positive thing for many people. The main known side effect of this berry is actually a decrease in your appetite. This may not be a bad thing when you consider that you are consuming a lot of vitamins and nutrients, as well as omegas, antioxidants, fiber, and protein from the acai itself. This means that you can do just fine with less of an appetite because your body is getting a lot of nutrients from the berry that will require you to not need to provide yourself with as much food to get these same nutrients. This is one reason why the acai is so good at helping people with weight loss.

One thing about this acai berry side effect is that you would have to consume a lot of the berries to actually notice the decrease in your appetite. However, like stated above; when you are consuming this much of the acai your body doesn't have the need for so much food. For someone that is hoping to gain weight, they can also benefit from the acai and still achieve weight gain. The acai has a lot of nutrients that will help your body to build muscle easier, since muscle weighs more than fat this is one way in which this berry will help you to gain weight.

If you don't want to experience an increase in your energy levels or decrease your appetite then you will want to find that amount of this great product that you can consume without it causing you a decreased appetite. When you are thinking about taking any supplement it is important that you do go over all of the positives and negatives to make sure that the good points outweigh the bad points. When you are considering something as healthy as the acai, you are looking at much more positives.

The only side effects of acia berry is burning a hole in your pocket because it can get expensive depending on where you buy acai products and supplements.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

 Acai Berry Juices | Acai Berry Diet Products- \’multiple Options To Choose From\’

The markets are flooded with wide variety of acai berry products to an extent you will be highly confused about selection of particular product. The remarkable ability of this product to provide effective weight loss has complemented well to its success in market. There are also many mlm marketing companies that are streamlining their strategies to enhance the sales of product in a bog manner. There are both genuine and fake promises that are being offered in market. You should be careful enough to select a product that offers wonderful diet. Also the acai berry diet products are available in various forms such as acai berry juices, pure acai berry pulp, acai berry capsules and lots of other varieties. This product is also available as a flavoring agent. The three important types in which this product is marketed includes

•    Acai berry 100 percent pulp
•    Acai berry juices with or without combination with other products such as green tea and chromium
•    Acai berry pills or capsules that accomplish effective weight loss

Pure acai berry diet products

The hundred percent pure acai pulps will be of great use in achieving wonderful diet that will be providing long term benefits. Most of the people who try these products are greatly benefited due to the wonderful nutrition supply that is being provided. There are various brands that are offering these products. It is very much essential that you perform good research to select the product that is doing well in market. These pulps will be extracted within few minutes from the time it has been plucked from tree. The pulp will be crushed and stored using flash frozen methods. This will ensure that quality of product is maintained till the package is opened and consumed.

Acai berry juices

The acai berry juice offers wonderful combination of taste and nutrition that brings about successful weight loss. There are some companies that adulterate these juices with extreme sugar content. This reduces the efficiency of this product. These adulterated products will be of no use in achieving weight loss. The additional sugar will only increasing the calories and there requires extra effort to burn calories. Thus a pure juice should be selected to achieve wonderful benefits.

Acai berry capsules

There are pure acai berry capsules that are nothing but acai pulp that are readily compacted or filled up. There will not be any other products other than acai berry pulp. There will not be ay kinds of binders, taste enhancers or preservatives that will be used for this purpose. You will be able to achieve all nutritional benefits that are obtained through pure acai products. This product can be easily stored and freshness of product will be maintained in an effective manner. Also there will be proper amount of amino acids that will be supplied to enhance muscle building process of human body.

Thus all the above products will be providing excellent that will also make it possible to accomplish effective weight loss. There are many numbers of people who are highly satisfied by results that are provided by this product.

Click here to view rest of article from original site

Pristine Acai Berry 60 Caps - 100% Organic Brazilian Pure Acai Pristine Acai Berry 60 Caps – 100% Organic Brazilian Pure Acai
by Daisha
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Acai Berry | Health Benefits From Acai Berry Fruit

Acai berry is a familiar fruit which is smaller in size. It appears black to purple in color and it is normally round in shape. It is considered as the healthiest fruit in the planet. This is because this acai berry fruit contains antioxidants. Many acai anti oxidants are made nowadays and it is of greater use. It resembles blueberry or grape, but it has some differences such as darker color than blueberry as well as it is smaller in size when compared with the other two. The fruit has a large seed inside surrounded by some amount of pulp. There is some similarity between acai berry and banana i.e. both of them grow in bunches. We can find this type of fruit only in the large palm trees and these trees will grow only in thick rain forest area. Amazon rainforest area is the location where we can find abundant acai berries.

The fruit acai berry is usually pronounced as ‘a-sigh-ee’.  People in Brazil are extensive users of acai berry fruit. The composition of anti oxidants present in acai berry is nearly twice the amount of anti oxidants present in blueberries and ten times that in grapes. This fruit can also be used as an ingredient for various types of dishes. Acai berry is enriched with electrolytes, vitamins A, B1, E, proteins, amino acids, omega fats, etc. Acai berry fruits are famous because of its tremendous health benefits. We can use acai berries for solving digestion problems. Persons who are prone to diabetics can eat acai berries because the sugar content in acai berries is very low. Apart from its use in making medicines, acai berry fruits also make the individuals to feel healthy and energetic. Acai berry finds its application in ice creams, energy juices, and health products. The fruit contains substances that act as antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. These antioxidants help to protect the cells in the human body.  Acai berries are also used to cure some type of cancer.
Some of the health benefits that can be obtained from acai berries are listed below.

•    It helps to maintain cholesterol level in the body.
•    Protection against arthritis and inflammation.
•    Makes us to feel younger.
•    Provides energy and also increases our life span.
•    Improves vision.
•    Helps our body to fight against free radicals.
•    Reduces the risk associated with heart problems.
•    Provides the necessary vitamins to the body.
•    Helps to increase our memory.

Acai berries also help to make cosmetic products. Acai oil made from acai berry is considered as a powerhouse for antioxidants. This oil can be used as an ingredient in body creams, skin therapies, conditioners, shampoos, etc. The products made from acai berries do not have any side effects. Its antioxidant content is more when compared with blackberry, cranberry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, etc. Research is being carried out to identify the various health benefits that can be obtained from acai berries.

Dynamic Health - Blueberry Concentrate, 16 Oz Liquid
Dynamic Health – Blueberry Concentrate, 16 Oz Liquid
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Buy new: $21.19 $16.70

Food And Nutritional Supplements: Their Role In Health And Disease
Food And Nutritional Supplements: Their Role In Health And Disease
by J.K. Ransley, J.K. Donnelly, and N.W. Read (Kindle Edition – Sept. 6, 2001) – Kindle Book
Buy: $108.00

What is Acai berry juice?

Taken from an Acai Palm tree, the acai berry fruit is taken and extracted to an acai berry juice. This is fruit with an inch long with reddish and purple color. This fruit can be normally seen in Central and South America. This fruit's relatives are purple grape fruits, cranberry and blueberry.

Why is this juice healthy for the body?

This juice has all the nutrients that are healthy for the body. The functions of this fruit are anti inflammatory, anti mutagenic, antioxidant, anti bacterial and can be definitely good for cardiovascular. Acai berry has all the contents like, omega fatty acids or healthy fats, iron, fiber and amino acids. This is healthy for the body because the juice is rich in anthocyanins and flavonids together with vitamins and minerals that were added as healthy ingredients to the acai juice. The healthy nutrients from this juice can fight against diseases like heart disease cancer and it could also defend the body from life stressors. From all the mixed contents, the free radical that circulates in the body is lessened.

Not only that, this juice can also help reduce weight or the unwanted pounds or fats present in the money. This is a healthy balanced diet practice for anyone because this fruit is originally a weight loss promotional.

Acai berry contents:

It is naturally made out of organic vegetable that assist degenerate of cholesterol to have a good digestion. Acai berry is full of different healthy content, which includes proteins, unsaturated lipids and carbohydrates so that the body will have more extra energy.

Acai berry has some vital mineral content for the muscle to regenerate and contract.

Also include in acai berry content is the fatty acid and is effectively healthy for the body that replace body fluids similar to olive oil.

Acai berry is not only one of your healthy fruit drink but it is also good as beauty products that includes anti aging skin therapies, body and facial creams, hair shampoo and conditioners, body lotions and other products used for beautifying. It offers to give skin much smoother and fairer.

Avoid side effects:

Acai berry is very popular as a healthy fruit drink and at the same time a substitute for some beauty products. However you must be very careful for people that are allergic to pollen that contains in the acai berries. It is both healthy for the body and skin.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Healthful Nutrients In The Acai Berry

The acai berry is an amazing nutritional discovery. Found only in the rainforests of Brazil it has only recently been accessible throughout the world due to advances in processing techniques. This amazing little berry boasts up to ten times the antioxidant level of red grapes and twice the antioxidant levels of blueberries. The acai fruit also diminishes the antioxidant levels of red wine having ten to thirty times as much antioxidant activity. The acai berry contains a few of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit available anywhere.
The acai berry is extremely high in two powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins and flavonoids. Anthocyanin is the substance that makes the deep red to deep purple colors of many health-promoting foods including blueberries, red grapes, purple cabbage and of course the acai berry. Foods that are high in anthocyanins are exceptionally nutritious and full of antioxidants.
Vitamin antioxidants such as anthocyanins and flavonoids defend the body from stress and free radicals. Free radicals are described as a molecule or an atom that contains a single unpaired electron. Due to this unpaired electron the molecule is extremely unstable and disruptive to your body. An antioxidant will pair up the random electron and neutralize the molecule. Both anthocyanins and flavonoids are strong antioxidants that defend the body from stress and free radicals.
Antioxidant capacity is characterized by a number referred to as an ORAC score. An ORAC score assesses the ability of a substance to neutralize free radicals in a test tube. The higher the number of the ORAC scores the stronger the antioxidant properties of the substance being evaluated. The acai berry has an extremely high ORAC score. Most of the products made with the acai fruit have retained this high ORAC capacity.
Astonishingly for a fruit, the acai fruit is also loaded with efa’s which are crucial to good health and amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. Nearly half of the edible portion of the acai berry is composed of fat and 74% of that fat is the unsaturated healthy fats Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The acai berry is also composed of 19 different amino acids.
The acai berry are also comprised of an lavish amount of vitamins and plant sterols. Plant sterols have shown to give a number of health benefits and of course, we are all familiar with the health benefits of vitamins. The acai fruit contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E in copious amounts. It also has ample amounts of the essential minerals magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper and zinc.
Even with all of these amazing health advantages among the best things about the acai fruit is that it is quite tasty and it provides a substantial dose of fiber. Acai berry products range from dried berries to a delicious juice and even various products made from the extract. Acai berries may be used in desserts, smoothies and more.
Research will continue to be conducted on the acai fruit but the findings so far have been pretty astonishing. The acai berry can aid in weight loss and the prevention of diseases. The acai berry offers tremendous nutritional benefits that are beneficial to human health.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Facts and Fiction Surrounding the Acai Berry

By: Joseph Long
Acai berry fruit is a rare fruit that can only be found in the Amazon. It’s rare not because it’s an endangered plant, but because exporting it takes a lot of effort. It can’t simply be sipped as a fresh fruit because it spoils easily. This is largely because of the high (good) fat content in its pulp. Also, only 10% of acai berry fruits are beneficial for human dietary consumption. About 90% of the fruit are seeds, which have no nutritional value.

Acai berry products have been popular through the years for its anti-aging benefits. Fairly recently, medical researches have found that it’s also largely responsible for weight loss. Oprah pronounced it as the world’s #1 superfood, because is has the highest lever lf antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamins, and minerals, compared to other fruit sources.  

Make Sure You Read The Label
Because the acai berry fruit can’t be imported from the Amazon as fresh produce, it needs to undergo various types of preservations. The most common is freezing the acai fruit pulp, which is responsible for the rare and pricy fruit pulps that the most health conscious of us buy from specialized stores. The more common derivative of acai berries, however, are capsule supplements.

You should carefully read the label and look for a “freeze dried” note. This means that the acai berry has been frozen and dried before it was turned to powder. “Spray drying” which may be the technique used for cheaper acai berry supplements strip the fruit of all its nutrients. Do not buy “extracts” of acai berries as well, because it defeats the purpose of buying acai berries in the first place. When you buy these berries, you would want their full benefits.

Nutritional Facts
When you buy acai berry, you rest assured knowing that you’re purchasing organic products. This means that you don’t have to worry about odd side-effects which may be caused by chemicals added into your supplements. Acai berries give you the same benefits as any other fruits, only in a more concentrated manner. For example, we already know that most plant foods have antioxidants, Omegas and Anthocyanins. For such a small fruit, though, researchers have found that these substances exist in a high percentage on a single acai berry fruit.

Acai berries offer 10 times the amount of Anthocyanins compared to good old red wine. This means that taking a single capsule of acai berry supplement can actually be more beneficial for the heart compared to a full glass of red wine. This is especially good news for people who are allergic to alcohol.  

Acai berries also have twice the antioxidants that are found in blueberries. Blueberries used to have the highest amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants before the discovery of this new fruit. Those who have difficulty with their bowel movement may also benefit from the high fiber content (14%) of acai berry products. This is certainly a healthier way to lose weight compared to artificial laxatives which only cause our bodies to get dehydrated.

Saturday, March 27, 2010



Acai Berry Reviews--how Well Do You Know This Superfood?

By: Eric M
acai berry reviews--How well do you know Acai Berries?

On this page are key questions you need the answers to,an Acai berry reviews, just to see if you trully know what acai berry is for and that you are utilizing it in the most efficient manner possible. First I will give you the Acai berry review questions, then afterwards provide a brief analysis for the answer.

Question 1. Acai berry is the ultimate dietary supplement because:

a. It easily and effortlessly helps me reduce unwanted pounds.
b. Gives me an abundance of vitality making me feel energized the whole day.
c. Its a great Anti-aging supplement.
d. It a great Anti-Cancer supplement.

Frankly this is a trick question. There is no right or wrong answer however it benefits you to know that there's no magic pill (even an acai fruit)! Any dietary supplement no matter how good needs good exercise,diet,and healthy lifestyle.

2. The most potent Acai fruit product comes in:
a. Powdered form
b. Pills form
c. Liquid extract form
d. None of the above

D is the correct answer,if you got that right then you may not have needed an Acai berry reviews in the first place {grin} Mode of delivery does not determine the strength of an acai fruit product, but rather the formulation and brand of the said acai fruit products in question! You can determine the differences by reading the product labels to arrive at your own conclusions as to the best brand/formulation/combinations of the Acai fruit product you have your eyes on!Reading Acai berry reviews (product reviews) will also help you determine the best, most suited brands for your own special needs. In general Acai fruit products are packed with Linoleic, essential fatty acids,  Omega 6 and 9,  dietary fibers, Photesterols and a host of other vitamins and minerals that are excellent for your health.

3. How soon can you expect to see the results of any of the Acai fruit products?
a. 8 months
b. 2 weeks
c. 8 days
d. 8 hours after ingestion
Gotcha!Frankly this is yet again another trick question, but I'd say the best answer of the lot is 2 weeks although don't form a limiting belief as there have been Acai Berry Reviews (product reviews) that have reported faster results in as little as 4 days. One thing is guaranteed thought.. Acai fruit products pack a wallop and work!

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