Friday, May 21, 2010

Consume Acai Berry Regularly

Pure Acai from the acai palm tree is a wonder fruit with many health benefits. The Amazonians have used it for centuries thanks to the wisdom of ancient medicine men and women, albeit a small number of people benefited from it. However, its value seemed to fade for a while before coming into the limelight once again. The wide benefits of the acai berry have now made several people include it in their daily diet for many reasons.

Acai berry is said to strengthen the immune system and fights any infection that may attack the body. It also helps to induce a faster process of recovery. There is substantial evidence that acai berry acts as a preventive medicine and reduces the risk of heart failure, atherosclerosis, and even cancer of the prostate, which is why it is very good for men. Acai can be used as a low fat sweetener in deserts, making it an all-round healthy alternative. Moreover, people tend to have higher energy levels and do not experience the highs and lows that are normally associated with refined sugars, pastries, and high-fat cakes.

This wonder fruit also helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels and is ideal for obese individuals who consume large amounts of fats, meats, refined sugars, and salt. Acai berry helps in the detoxification process of the body, and its high fiber content keeps the colon clean. It provides relief from constipation, digestive problems, and irritable bowel syndrome. Acai is known to increase the metabolic rate and is therefore used in weight loss supplements. It also promotes longevity and helps retain vitality, which is why many people feel and look younger today. It helps prevent the spread of infections in the body and is therefore an ideal antiseptic.

Acai berry improves the heart rate, increases blood circulation, and is known to increase stamina as well. With so many health benefits, it is worth making acai berry a part of your diet today.

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